Thursday, January 22, 2009

What is wrong with this picture?...and other stuff.

Grrr....! That's what I get for rushing. Let's all say it together: "Haste makes waste!"

Do you see it?

Trying to get more bibs out of the light colored cupcake fabric I totally forgot that the cupcakes should be horizontal. I was just excited that I was getting two bibs out of the small piece of fabric that I had left. Now I have two bibs with vertical cupcakes.
Vertical Cupcakes, that will be the name of my rock band.

This all came about because of a special order request. Someone saw my first cupcake bib at a friends house, went to the store to inquire, and the store owner contacted me to make more (thanks Heather!). I was so excited that I ordered two different colors of that fabric plus another "dessert" fabric. Instead of just bibs I decided to go with bib and burp cloth sets. They really came out great. I would show you....but of course....I forgot to take pictures!

Here are a couple of photos of the work in progress....or the fabric sitting on the table. The top fabric there is the previously mentioned dessert fabric. The one below that is Cherry Wallflower that I made into a bib and burp cloth set from that can be found in my Etsy shop

The pink floral below that I am saving for a gift I will be making for a friend of mine.

So, lots of stuff going on here. Works in progress. Things tend to slow down when I realize the cat has pulled all of the pins out of these items but I always manage to get back on track.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Remember Me???

No?... that's okay.

Not like I had a ton of readers waiting and wondering where I have been the past couple of months.
I would like to say that I suck at blogging because I'm too lazy to get my camera and take pictures of things. I only like blog entries with pictures. I guess I'm a seven year old. Large print and lots of pictures please!

So, let's see. On December 4th I participated in an entrepreneur night at work. I was able to showcase some of my baby gift items and was surprised at how well they were received.

I went in thinking this is a good way to get the word out and didn't really expect to sell much. I was pleasantly surprised. It did help that a popular employee of the company just had a baby. She was the recipient of many items. I'm excited but also worried. I hope they were okay and didn't like, disintegrate during the first wash!
Here are the two photos I took. I would have taken more but I felt kind of silly for some reason.
LOOK AT ME! LOOK AT MY STUFF! I MUST TAKE PHOTOS! Whatever. I don't know where that comes from considering I can be pretty obnoxious in general.

I should make an effort to get into some local craft shows. We'll see how that pans out. Remember, I am extremely lazy!