May day back in the day! This was 1977 on the common across the street from the shool. The lady on the right is our teacher Miss Chapowski. I believe she had us singing "blue bird, blue bird, go through my window...." or something like that. And we would take turns weaving in and out of each others streamers. Good times! ...for a second grader anyway.
This would be ol' Spirit of 76 pageant...thingy. That would be me on the left with the red white and blue outfit and white poofy hat. My mother's friend made that just for me! I then was able to wear on July 4th to one of my dad's concerts because I was way cool like that.
Oh...you didn't know that my dad is in a band? Well, more on that later then. Must get to my parents house to dig up some band photos!
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