Monday, October 6, 2008

Toad in the Hole....Toads optional

I'm intrigued by the old English recipe, Toad in the Hole.
It contains things I love....awesome English bangers (sausages) and Yorkshire pudding.
I've tried twice now to make this and I'm still not able to get everything right. My mother never made this and I can't remember ever having this at any realatives I'm not sure why I am obsessed.

Last time I used a recipe I found in a Delia Smith book that I have and I thought the Yorkshire pudding part (similar to popover batter) ended up too dry and not at all puffy. So I decided to use the Betty Crocker recipe.

The trick is to make sure the oil in the pan is extremely hot before you put the batter in.

I cooked the sausages in the baking pan until not quite done (this was a mistake since they ended up being a tad over done. Not DRY over done just probably a bit more done than they should have been). I added a bit more oil and put it back in the oven to get, you know, REALLY HOT.

After a few minutes I opened the oven and poured the batter in the pan and closed it really fast. I sat staring into the oven window like a child waiting for the awesome puffiness to happen. It puffed a little but not to the puffiness I had in mind. I make Yorkshire pudding with Christmas dinner and the level of puff is always quite impressive.

Anyway, it wasn't a total bust. The sausages are always high on the yum scale and the popover batter tasted awesome. Slop some onion gravy on top and it's a nice little cold weather dinner....for people with questionable taste.


Steven said...

Is't this a proper toad in a hole:

Anonymous said...

I meant to add that Toad in the Hole looks DIRTAAAY! Something to be served at a bachelorette party.

Anonymous said...

Hey you could try slicing the sausages in half lengthwise to allow for more puffage. Or slice them up and after pouring in the popover batter, drop in the sausage slices.